A winning content strategy in Healthcare

A new Paradigm

A winning content strategy in Healthcare; The healthcare industry is comprised of many players. Pharmaceuticals, practitioners, hospitals, health care professionals, related institutions, and even pharmacies. 

We all know that the pandemic forced the industry to undergo an intense and accelerated transformation. New learnings and ways to carry out business had to be incorporated and put into practice in no time. This required the entire sector, to adapt.

A new paradigm on how to sell, think, develop and deploy marketing strategies took over.

We want to make sure your marketing strategy for any healthcare product or service has that required edge. So it cannot only adapt. But thrive.

The health category has to cover all the basics and best practices when it comes to an impactful online presence. Things like great UX, robust SEO, and other staples must be in place. But that’s not all that it takes.

These healthcare specifics will ensure that edge will have a part in your strategy.

Content strategy ‘must-haves

Do your consumer homework

To achieve a winning content strategy in Healthcare, we must do our research, it is important to grasp a deeper understanding of our consumers. As a second step, we need to identify their ‘content need’, what topics click with them, and what level of depth do they expect from those topics.

With that, we have the right ingredients to outline a relevant and responsive digital content strategy. But without proper research, any content strategy is much like shooting in the dark.

Video is king

Once the audience research is done and the content outline is set, the right distribution channel must be chosen. We’re living in the Video Era. Where video is KING.

When working toward best-in-class video content, we must consider if it needs to be a long or short form, and what the key point to communicate is. The right amount of storytelling, and many other variables.

Video player

But to make all these decisions, there is another KING in town. That is DATA.

Data and Testing

Data can be used to fine-tune many variables like choosing the right channel, the right timing, the right geolocation, and so forth. Leveraging proper data mining outcomes can result in videos that people will identify with: “This content is talking right to me!”. These data points become extremely useful to test, optimize and iterate until we have the perfect recipe for our audience.

Speak to my heart not my head

In the golden era of marketing, everything was ‘top-of-mind’. Constantly boasting a product or service’s features, and bombarding customers with your logo and ads, so when the need for your product arises, you are the first option they will think about.

Polar Logo

Those days are over. A winning content strategy in Healthcare includes winning the mind, which may be important. But the company that wins the consumer’s heart holds the upper hand nowadays.

To enter the consumer’s hearts, you do need data as we mentioned before. But that’s not all. You need to establish and trigger empathy. And often the bridge to achieve that is the right kind of storytelling. That’s when data well used, on top of content experience, can lead to staggering results.

Some of the factors to calibrate your storytelling can be:

  • Who’s speaking: Is it a bland narrator? A patient-led narrative? A user’s POV?
  • What are we saying: Is the content forcefully trying to push a product? Does mention a product at all?
  • The Resonance Factor: What part within the content will create the empathic resonance with the consumer? And why? 

Understanding that last why, is the most important piece of the puzzle. To gather even more data, and make sure every action, iteration, and content is always on-point.

When we’re told emotional, character-driven stories that we can relate to, our brain synthesizes oxytocin. A chemical that plays a key role in our ability to empathize. And that creates brand value that lasts forever. 

Future-ready – A winning content strategy in healthcare

At Polar London, we constantly analyze the market. And we constantly see how this aspect is overlooked as a priority. Yes… compliance must be taken care of. But these things also deserve your attention:

  • Mobile -first designs: Only in 2022, 60% of all web traffic came from smartphones. And it’s going to increase!
  • Individual user experience and personalizations: Catered and tailored customer journeys are here. And the healthcare industry must adapt as well.
  • Future possible migration to an app: Everything has its app. And that’s for a reason. Convenience and consumer behaviour request it. Need to migrate? we can help you leap.
  • Accessibility: Accessibility is about inclusivity. But more importantly, it helps you get a wider, more massive reach. It must be a must.

The world changed. Tech continues to advance. Users and customers evolved. And the healthcare industry is not the same as before. Don’t let your strategy fall behind. 

Get in touch with Polar London and make sure you’re playing the right game, with the right set of tools for maximum growth and a great CX.

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