Prioritising Mental Health in a Remote-First Digital Agency

Polar team
Some of Polar’s team on our monthly virtual coffee catchup – 2022

In the fast-paced world of digital agencies, where deadlines are tight, clients are demanding, and the digital landscape is ever-changing, it’s easy for the mental health of your team to take a backseat. However, the well-being of our team is crucial not only for their personal lives but also for the success of our own agency. Mental Health Tips in a Remote-First Digital Agency is what we have been exploring.

In a remote-first digital agency, where team members are scattered across different time zones and work independently, prioritising mental health becomes even more challenging and vital. In this blog post, we’ll explore alternative strategies that we have been adopting to ensure our team’s mental health remains a top priority.

Founder and CEO – Alex Birch reflects

Mental Health Tips in a Remote-First Digital Agency

  1. Scheduled “Health Breaks”:

    One effective strategy is to schedule regular “health breaks” into your team’s calendar. Taking half an hour each week to stop and focus on their own mental and physical health can work wonders. Encourage team members to use this time to meditate, exercise, or simply unwind. By making it a scheduled event, you send a clear message that their well-being is a priority.

  2. Encourage Open Communication:

    Create a culture of open communication where team members feel comfortable discussing their mental health. Ensure that they know they can reach out to colleagues or managers for support without fear of judgment. Regular check-ins, both one-on-one and in team meetings, can provide opportunities for team members to express their concerns or share their achievements.

  3. Flexible Working Hours:

    Recognise that not everyone is at their best during the traditional 9-to-5 workday. Allow for flexible working hours that cater to individual preferences and productivity peaks. This flexibility empowers your team to work when they are most focused and to adjust their schedules to accommodate personal commitments or self-care.

  4. Promote Work-Life Balance:

    Emphasise the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Encourage team members to set boundaries, switch off from work when their day is done, and make time for hobbies, family, and friends. When they have a fulfilling personal life, their mental health at work is likely to improve.

  5. Invest in Professional Development:

    Mental health can often be linked to feelings of stagnation or lack of purpose. Support your team’s professional growth by providing opportunities for learning and development. This can be through training, workshops, or exposure to new and exciting projects. Feeling challenged and fulfilled at work can boost morale and well-being.

  6. Access to Mental Health Resources:

    Ensure that your team has access to mental health resources and support. Consider offering employee assistance programs (EAPs), which can provide confidential counselling services and resources for managing stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges.

  7. Celebrate Achievements:

    Recognise and celebrate your team’s achievements, both big and small. Acknowledging their hard work and accomplishments fosters a positive atmosphere and reinforces their value within the agency.

  8. Lead by Example:

    Finally, as a leader or manager, set the example for your team. Prioritise your own mental health and communicate its importance. When your team sees you taking time for self-care and balance, they are more likely to follow suit.
Vietnam – Team dinner

In a remote-first digital agency such as ours, the well-being of your team can’t be overlooked. By implementing these alternative strategies and encouraging a culture that prioritises mental health, you can ensure that your team remains happy, motivated, and productive while working in a challenging digital landscape.

Remember, a mentally healthy team is a team that can conquer any digital challenge that comes our way. Get in touch if you want to know more about how Polar London could support you.

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