Top 5 Winning Campaigns In Health & Wellness

health hero

The Customer-Centric Era

Health, Pharma and Wellness companies have now moved away from just listing their product’s features as marketing campaigns. Before, it was about bringing clarity over their edge compared to their closest competitor. As decades went by, the way users and customers behave changed. This brought a massive change in the way marketing is made an how campaigns in this sector or “Health campaigns” are executed.

From appealing to the users’ minds in an attempt to stay on top, to win over their hearts with storytelling. All of that has changed now. True creativity and real, humane ways of connecting with audiences are required to succeed nowadays.

Customer-centric actions, where the customer feels understood, comprehended, and at the centre stage, mean everything. It can be the make or break for any marketing campaign. But some industries such as big pharma, healthcare, and wellness, may have a tougher time trying to implement this new mindset.

Let The Best Lead The Way: What Are The Best Doing in their Health campaigns?

Sometimes great marketing is trial and error. But often -more often than not- it requires a professional understanding of the social panorama and analyzing what top-tier players in the marketing world are doing, to extract silver linings that can be replicated with any brand, anywhere.

That’s why we decided to highlight these 5 winning campaigns in the health sector. See for yourself, and then we can jump to valuable conclusions…

#1  – Hip-Hop Public Health & Lil Sugar

A creative awareness video-based health campaign is about the harms of sugar. Highly appealing to younger generations.

This piece of craft speaks for itself. Not because it leveraged the video format, which is the most preferred form of modern content, but because it managed to create impactful awareness on a very concerning topic: sugar addiction side-effects.

Something so seemingly naive as sugar gets wonderfully exposed by this seemingly innocent sugar cube that explains all the tremendous disasters that both sugar and its derivated can cause to your health. Catchy song, great animation, and valuable information having the customer’s health at heart. This campaign hits all the spots.

#2 – Richard Branson (Virgin) & LinkedIn Reframe Dyslexia

A multi-company action campaign using social media and influential people with dyslexia as an awareness platform.

A powerful campaign that brought healthy visibility to Dyslexia. A condition suffered by 1 out of 5 people. A condition that in the past was seen as an undesired roadblock. That caused alienation and discrimination, topped with the feelings of not being as normal as others.

When actually, dyslexic thinking could be seen as an edge to solve situations uniquely. That sounds like a skill right?…

That’s exactly what this campaign was about. To turn dyslexic thinking into an official listable LinkedIn skill. People loved it because it talked and made 20% of the human population on LinkedIn feel heard and accepted. More than 10,000 people listed it on the first day. Starting with none other than self-made dyslexic thinker billionaire Richard Branson.

You can learn more about this amazing campaign here:

#3 – Eye-Dar: Bringing Sight To The Sightless

A life-changing way of using available technology to aid visually-impaired people.

This amazing campaign talks about a real product. An app that uses a piece of tech most modern smartphones have (lidar) to create a sound map of a visually impaired user’s surroundings. This can help them train the ability of echo-location, which consists in using the bouncing of sounds to understand objects around them. According to studies, only 1% of blind people developed the skill. Thanks to the app, that number can significantly change.

Once again, this idea brings the user to the main stage. Making them feel heard, loved, and not alone. This creates a level of awareness so massive, that it becomes unstoppable. Why? Because it is truly life-changing.

You can see the video below:

#4 – The Unwearable Collection & Boehringer Ingelheim

Bringing visibility and humanizing a tremendous disease via an impactful strategic partnership.

In this case, it was about bringing awareness to those who suffer from GPP (Generalized Pustular Psoriasis). A condition that not only causes a great deal of suffering to the person but carries along a tremendous social stigma. Often deriving in alienation and isolation. The illness is experienced as painful flares on the skin, usually deriving in pus-filled blisters. First, I suggest you take a look at the video:

Boehringer Ingelheim collaborated with fashion designer Bart Hess, in an attempt to capture in literally unwearable suits, the description of the feeling of GPP provided by the sufferers. From flaring fire to sharp glass, to knives, and thick sharp paper edges, these suits capture what it’s like to live with GPP. Once again, giving voice and empathy to this niche. Making them feel understood, instead of alienated.

#5 – The Greatest | Apple

Apple believes accessibility is a human right. Innovative features like Door Detection, Sound Recognition, Voice Control, and more are designed to let you use your devices in ways that work best for you.

Apple raised awareness of its accessibility features to mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities late last year.

Every day people with disabilities are shown to be using features on their Apple devices such as Sound Recognition for people who are deaf, as a woman’s Apple Watch alerts her that her baby is crying, and Detection Mode, which allows blind or low-vision users to navigate their environment.

It was directed by Kim Gehrig through Somesuch.

Emotionally emotive to inspire and make relatable everyday tasks achievable for all. Supported by an awesome track to compliment the narrative, if you haven’t seen the ad yet then you need to watch it.

How To Implement This New Paradigm?

It’s clear through these health campaigns how we can place the customer at the centre stage. More importantly, how there are more humane ways of bringing awareness to certain topics and keeping society informed on certain things without alienating anyone. On the contrary, to further include and unite people, while elevating the level of awareness.

At Polar London, we understand how these new ways and trends of campaigning can add a necessary edge to the industry’s companies. Making users and consumers feel heard, understood, and comprehended.

If you want to explore if your brand can profit from shifting toward this paradigm, Polar London is the right place to begin, check out our latest work and get in touch.

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